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Formula: Mn
Form: Rod
Material: Manganese
CAS Number: 7439-96-5
Commodity: Metals
Purity: 99.5%
Production Method: Cast
We offer a range of Manganese Rods in a choice of 6 various diameters and lengths. Manganese has high hardness and strength, making these rods suitable for applications requiring wear resistance. They’re also corrosion and heat resistant, allowing use in harsh environments. With multiple size variations available, our Manganese Rods have many varied applications, including shafts, axles, and other mechanical parts needing durability. With their combination of properties and sizing options, Manganese Rods are an ideal choice for prototyping and research.
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Diameter =<10mm ±10%
Diameter >10mm ±5%

Material Properties for Metals

Atomic Properties
Element Value
Atomic number 25
Crystal structure Body centred cubic
Electronic structure Ar 3d⁵ 4s²
Valences shown 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Atomic weight( amu ) 54.938
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section( Barns ) 13.3
Photo-electric work function( eV ) 3.8
Atomic radius - Goldschmidt( nm ) 0.112
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 2/ 15.64
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 3/ 33.67
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 4/ 51.2
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) Jun-95
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 5/ 72.4
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 1/ 7.43
Mechanical Properties
Element Value
Hardness - Mohs 5
Material condition Polycrystalline
Poisson's ratio 0.24
Bulk modulus( GPa ) 118
Tensile modulus( GPa ) 191
Electrical Properties
Element Value
Electrical resistivity( µOhmcm ) 160@20@20°C
Physical Properties
Element Value
Boiling point( C ) 1962
Density( gcm⁻³ ) 7.4@20°C
Thermal Properties
Element Value
Melting point( C ) 1244
Latent heat of evaporation( J g⁻¹ ) 4207
Latent heat of fusion( J g⁻¹ ) 267
Specific heat( J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ ) 477@25°C
Thermal conductivity( W m⁻¹ K⁻¹ ) 7.81@0-100°C
Coefficient of thermal expansion( x10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ ) 23@0-100°C

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