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Grade: Rigid Graphite
Formula: C
Form: Foil/Film/Sheet
Material: Carbon
CAS Number: 7440-44-0
Commodity: Metals
Rigid Graphite Carbon Foil is one of Goodfellow's range of carbon-based materials. With 77 variations to choose from, it exhibits properties such as high thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and low thermal expansion. Its applications include use as a heat spreader in electronics, electrodes in batteries and fuel cells, and as a substrate material for diamond film deposition. The wide range of Rigid Graphite Carbon Foils we offer allows you to select the optimal graphite foil for your specific application.
Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Tolerance Properties

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Thickness <0.01mm ±25%
Thickness 0.01mm - 0.05mm ±15%
Thickness >0.05mm ±10%

Material Properties for Metals

Atomic Properties
Element Value
Atomic number 6
Crystal structure Hexagonal/Diamond
Electronic structure He 2s² 2p²
Valences shown 2, 3, 4
Atomic weight( amu ) 12.011
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section( Barns ) 0.0034
Photo-electric work function( eV ) 4.8
Natural isotope distribution( Mass No./% ) 12/ 98.89
Natural isotope distribution( Mass No./% ) 13/ 1.11
Atomic radius - Goldschmidt( nm ) 0.077
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 6/ 490
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 4/ 64.5
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 1/ 11.26
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 3/ 47.9
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 2/ 24.38
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 5/ 392
Mechanical Properties
Element Value
Hardness - Mohs 0.5-1
Hardness - Mohs 10
Material condition Diamond
Material condition Graphite
Bulk modulus( GPa ) 33
Bulk modulus( GPa ) 542
Tensile modulus( GPa ) 4.8
Electrical Properties
Element Value
Electrical resistivity( µOhmcm ) 1375@0@0°C
Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C)( mV ) 0.7
Physical Properties
Element Value
Boiling point( C ) 5000
Density( gcm⁻³ ) 2.25@20°C
Thermal Properties
Element Value
Melting point( C ) 3650
Specific heat( J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ ) 712@25°C
Thermal conductivity( W m⁻¹ K⁻¹ ) 80-240@0-100°C
Coefficient of thermal expansion( x10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ ) 0.6-4.3@0-100°C

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