Images are for guidance only and might not represent the final product.
Formula: B
Form: Foil (Light Tight)
Material: Boron
CAS Number: 7440-42-8
Commodity: Metals
Purity: 99.6%
Side 1: 25mm
Side 2: 25mm
Production Method: Hot Pressed
Light Tight: Light Tight
Boron Foil (Light Tight) is a foil product from Goodfellow's range of materials. This ultrapure boron foil has a glossy metallic gray appearance and is opaque to visible light and ultraviolet radiation. With a density of 2.34 g/cm3, it provides good stopping power for radiation shielding applications. Boron foil is used as a lightweight neutron absorber in nuclear reactors. It also finds use as a barrier layer in photovoltaic solar cells when electrical isolation is needed between the semiconductor and metal substrate or electrodes.
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Material Properties for Metals

Atomic Properties
Element Value
Atomic number 5
Crystal structure Tetragonal
Electronic structure He 2s² 2p¹
Valences shown 3
Atomic weight( amu ) 10.81
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section( Barns ) 672
Photo-electric work function( eV ) 4.5
Natural isotope distribution( Mass No./% ) 11/ 80.2
Natural isotope distribution( Mass No./% ) 10/ 19.8
Atomic radius - Goldschmidt( nm ) 0.097
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 4/ 259
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 2/ 25.2
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 1/ 8.30
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 5/ 340
Ionisation potential( No./eV ) 337.9
Mechanical Properties
Element Value
Hardness - Mohs 9.5
Material condition Arc melted
Tensile modulus( GPa ) 441
Tensile strength( MPa ) 1580-2410
Electrical Properties
Element Value
Electrical resistivity( µOhmcm ) 1.8x10¹²@27@27°C
Physical Properties
Element Value
Boiling point( C ) 3700
Density( gcm⁻³ ) 2.34-2.37@20°C
Thermal Properties
Element Value
Melting point( C ) 2180
Latent heat of evaporation( J g⁻¹ ) 35000
Latent heat of fusion( J g⁻¹ ) 2090
Specific heat( J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ ) 1030@25°C
Coefficient of thermal expansion( x10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ ) 8.3@0-100°C

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