Images are for guidance only and might not represent the final product.
Formula: CdSe
Form: Pellet/Lump
Material: Cadmium Selenide
CAS Number: 1306-24-7
Commodity: Compounds
Maximum Lump Size: 15mm
Cadmium selenide pellets are high purity polycrystalline semiconducting materials available from Goodfellow's extensive range of pellets. With a direct band gap of 1.7eV at room temperature, cadmium selenide demonstrates strong quantum confinement effects that allow tuning of optical and electronic properties. Key applications of cadmium selenide include quantum dot LEDs, thin film photovoltaics, and radiation detectors. As a leading supplier of cadmium selenide pellets, Goodfellow provides high quality products for research and advanced manufacturing applications.
Safety Data Sheet Tolerance Properties

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Maximum Lump Size Nominal

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