Images are for guidance only and might not represent the final product.
Formula: CxOyHz
Form: Powder
Material: Graphene oxide
CAS Number: 1034343-98-0
Commodity: Compounds
Mean Particle Size: 0.5µm
Graphene oxide powder is a nanomaterial composed of graphene foils decorated with oxygen-containing groups. This material exhibits properties such as high surface area, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Graphene oxide has applications in energy storage, electronics, composites, biomedical devices and sensors. We offer Graphene oxide Powder in a choice of 3 variations, with different lateral foil sizes and oxygen contents to suit different applications. This allows researchers and engineers to select the right composition to fit their specific application needs.
Safety Data Sheet Tolerance Properties

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Mean Particle Size Nominal
Minimum Particle Size Nominal
Maximum Particle Size Nominal
Maximum Particle Size Nominal
Particle Size D10 Nominal
Particle Size D50 Nominal
Particle Size D90 Nominal

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