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Graphene oxide Ammonia Powder

Formula: CxOyHz
Form: Powder
Material: Graphene oxide
Commodity: Compounds
Mean Particle Size: 0.5µm
Weight: 1g
Functionalised With: Ammonia
Graphene oxide Ammonia Powder is a material we produce that combines graphene oxide foils with ammonia molecules. This powder has unique properties like high surface area, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Potential applications include conductive inks, battery electrodes, polymer composites and gas separation membranes. Graphene oxide Ammonia Powder is an exceptional product in the experimentation and development of new technologies.
Safety Data Sheet Tolerance Properties

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Mean Particle Size Nominal
Minimum Particle Size Nominal
Maximum Particle Size Nominal
Maximum Particle Size Nominal
Particle Size D10 Nominal
Particle Size D50 Nominal
Particle Size D90 Nominal

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