Ep 3. Ceramic Foams – A Technical & Beautiful Product used in Design

Ep 3. Ceramic Foams – A Technical & Beautiful Product used in Design
February 24, 2021
Ep 3. Ceramic Foams – A Technical & Beautiful Product used in Design

In this podcast, we talk to Jordan Keaney, an artist and designer who took ceramic foam and broke the mould when it comes to the material’s applications. We are also joined by podcast regulars – Dr. Aphrodite Tomou, Technical Manager at Goodfellow and Adam Sells, Sales Manager at Goodfellow.

We look at the science behind the material, while also exploring the asthetic and artistic application of this fantastic material.


Website: www.materialshub.com
Website: www.goodfellow.com
Sales Email: info@goodfellow.com
Marketing Email: marketing@goodfellow.com
Technical Email: technical@goodfellow.com

Web: www.plasticjesus.net
Email: info@plasticjesus.net
Twitter: @PlasticJesus9
Instagram: www.instagram.com/plasticjesus/
Plastic Jesus's work at Smithsonian Institution: Lihttps://www.instagram.com/p/BynI8clnkzn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linknk

Materials Inside joins forces with Outside In – a charity which aims to make the art world more accessible to everyone. Outside In’s work covers three main areas: Artist development, exhibitions, and training. These activities, supported by fundraising and communications, all aim to create a fairer art world by supporting artists, creating opportunities, and influencing arts organisations. Outside In Art Charity: Donation link

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